March 5, 2018
Answering the call to the heart and continually returning to it creates an energy that feels like it comes from an infinite source.
It still feeds me. It gives me drive and purpose. It produces unstoppable inspiration to find ways to bring people to peace and promote peacemaking.
Inspiration is so important for our work. It comes from having a purpose, a goal.
It’s the basis for inspired leadership.
Inspiration makes us happy. We have a purpose. It gives us meaning.
To be inspired is priceless. I’m so grateful. Focus
Concentration, attention, emotional bonding, awareness, responsibility, caring, empowerment, putting things in order, creativity.
These are things we can’t see but can feel. They are all internal qualities that show up as an energy.
We know these qualities make the invisible visible and manifest results from ideas.
We can do this. That’s the promise of a Peacemaker. It's the belief that makes the difference. It inspires and produces.
Lawyer to Peacemaker Part 4 Heart Qualities
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